Klargjort lysbilde, sett med 100


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E35.3601-AKlargjort lysbildesett 1
1 Human Cell Mucus menbrane, smear. 51 Onion Epidermis, wm
2 Froskepidermisk celle, sek 52 Hydrilla Verticillata Leaf, wm
3 Dog squamous Epitheblium, wm 53 Phoeo Disolor Leaf, wm
4 Paramecium, wm 54 Ipomoea Root, wm
5 Hydra, cs 55 Tonato Flesh, wm
6 Meitemark, cs 56 Pome Sclereid, wm
7 Daphina, wm 57 Mitosis-Onion Root Tip, ls
8 Mygg-larve, wm 58 Meiose-Lillitrm Pollen, um
9 Mosquito Mouth Parts, wm 59 Root-Meristem, ls
10 Housebee Mouth Parts, wm 60 Stem-Collenchyma, cs
11 Husflue munndeler, wm 61 Stem-Parenchyma, cs
12 Honeybee Worker Leg-Composite, wm 62 Stem-sclerenchvma, sek.
13 Myggvinger, wm 63 Stem-Tracheid, ls
14 Butterfly Wings Ocales, wm 64 Blandede bakterier, smøre.
15 Dragonfly Wings, wm 65 Coccus, smøre.
16 Honeybee Wings, wm 66 Bacillus, smør.
17 Housefly Compound Eye, wm 67 Spirllum, smør.
18 Honeybee Compound Eye, wm 68 Rhizopus, wm
19 Dragonfly Compound Eye, wm 69 Penicillium, wm
20 Dog Esophahus, cs 70 Gjær-spirende wm
21 Hund tynntarm, sek. 71 Coprinus soppsett cs
22 Dog Mag, sek. 72 Chlamydomonas, wm
23 Hundens tolvfingertarm, cs 73 Volox, wm
24 Dog Jejunum, cs 74 Spirogyia Conjugation, wm
25 Dog Ileum, cs 75 Euglena, wm
26 Hunden endetarm, cs 76 Marchrrtia Mature Sporophyte, ls
27 Hundemilt, sek. 77 Fern, Leaf-Sorus, wm
28 Hundens bukspyttkjertel, sek. 78 Fern Porthallia, wm
29 Pig Gall-Bladder, sek. 79 Fern Prothallia & Sporangia, wm
30 Rabbit Arterg & Vein, cs 80 Pine Root, cs
31 Rabbit Arteriole, cs 81 Pine Stem, cs
32 Menneskelig blod, smøre 82 Pine Leaf, cs
33 Froskeblod, smøre 83 Pine Young Staminate, Cone ls
34 Fish Blood, smøre 84 Zea Root, Tips, ls
35 Kaninlymfeknute, sek. 85 Zea Root, cs
36 Hund luftrør, cs 86 Zea Stem, ls
37 Dog Ureter, cs 87 Cucurbita Stem, ls
38 Human Skin-Sweat Gland, sek. 88 Zea Stem, cs
39 Menneskehår, wm 89 Risstamme, cs
40 Fjær, wm 90 Sunflower Stem, cs
41 Fiskeskala, wm 91 Pumpkin Stem, cs
42 Kanin Hyaline Brusk, sek. 92 Tilia Stem, cs
43 Hundens skjelettmuskulatur, ls & c.s. 93 Teminal Bud Stem Tip, ls
44 Dog Smooth Muscle, ls & c.s. 94 Poa Leaf, cs
45 Dog Cardiac Muscle, ls 95 Ipomoea Leaf, cs
46 Pig Motor Nerve, wm 96 Stomata-vicia Faba Leaf, wm
47 Kanin ryggmarg, cs 97 Lillium eggstokk, cs
48 Dog Taste Buds, sek. 98 Lillium Anther, cs
49 Kanintestis, sek. 99 Pollen Gem, wm
50 Menneskelig sædceller, smøre 100 Zea Seed, ls
E35.3601-BKlargjort lysbildesett 2
1 Gris fettcelle, wm 51 Løst bindevæv, sek.
2 Mus Cuboidal Epithelium, sek. 52 Aspergillus, wm
3 Dog Colurmar Epihelium, sek. 53 Lung-Injected (kanin), sek.
4 Dog Cohuunar Ciliated 54 Nyreinjiserte (kanin), sek.
5 Paramecium-Conjugatin, wm 55 Trematodes-Miracidia, wm
6 Paramecium-Fission, wm 56 Mygg-hann, wm
7 Hydra, ls 57 Mygg-egg, wm
8 Hydra Plain & spirende, wm 58 Drosophila-Kvinne, wm
9 Planaria, cs 59 Drosophila-Male, wm
10 Blood Fiuke-Eggs, wm 60 Drosophila-Larva, wm
11 Taenia Pisiformis, wm 61 Drosophisa-Chrysalis, wm
12 Ascaris, cs 62 Froskesegmentert egg, sek.
13 Mygg-hunn, wm 63 Frog-Holoblastic Cleavage, sek.
14 Mole Cricket ben, wm 64 Frog-Cleavage, sek.
15 Mantis ben, wm 65 Frog-Blastule, sek.
16 Hundetunge, ls 66 Cucurbita, wm
17 Hundemage hjerteområdet, sek. 67 Pine Pollen, wm
18 Hundemage Pyloric Region, sek. 68 Plasmodesmata, sek.
19 Griselever, sek. 69 Silver Berry Scaly Hair, wm
20 Kanin Venae Cavac, cs 70 Peacock Feather, wm
21 Musenyr, sek. 71 Løvetann Fuzz, wm
22 Urinblære i hund, sek. 72 Fjær, wm
23 Human Skin-hair Follicle, sek. 73 Fiber, wm
24 Rabbit Ganglia, sek. 74 Housefly Leg, wm
25 Dog Olatory Membranek, sek. 75 Husflue Wing, wm
26 Mus eggstokk, sek. 76 Com Stivelse, wm
27 Frosk Spenna Tozoa, smør. 77 Butterfly Teg, wm
28 Bulgari, smøre. 78 Ascarid Egg, wm
29 Lav, sek. 79 Leaf of Winter Jasmine, cs
30 Maroharttis Archegortia, ls 80 Cerebrum Pattedyr, sek.
31 Marchantia Aritheridis, ls 81 Cerebellum Pattedyr, sek.
32 Polytrichum, wm 82 Maur, wm
33 Polytrichum Antheridia, ls 83 Vegetabilsk pollen, wm
34 Polytrichum Archegonis, ls 84 Silkworm Moth Antennac, wm
35 Fern Root, cs 85 Frukt, cs
36 Fern Stem, cs 86 Ferskenorm, wm
37 Fern Lesf-sorus, cs 87 Butterfly Antenner, wm
38 Pine Stem, ls 88 Bomullsorm, wm
39 Pine Cone-Female, ls 89 Reker-egg, wm
40 Vicia Faba Root, Tips, ls 90 Bokstaven ”E”, wm
41 Ranunculus Root, cs 91 Bokstaven ”E”, wm
42 Pisumfrø, ls 92 Typisk dyrecelle
43 Stem-Cork cell, cs 93 Typisk plantecelle
44 Nymphaea, (Svampete vev), cs 94 Cotton Leaf, cs
45 Nymphaea, av apustio stamme, cs 95 Bomullsstamme, cs
46 Pelargonium, av blad, cs 96 Young Root of Broad Bean, cs
47 Striated Muscle, cs 97 Soya Stem, cs
48 Stamme-silrør og ledsagercelle, ls 98 Silkorm mal larve, wm
49 Planaria, wm 99 Pea Pollen, wm
50 Tett bindevev, sek. 100 Ciliated epitheliun, sek.
E35.3601-DKlargjort lysbildesett 3
1 Maur, wm 51 Løst bindevæv, wm
2 Ascaris Egg, wm 52 Mantis Wing, wm
3 Ascaris, cs. 53 Mantis Leg, wm
4 Aspergillus, wm 54 Marchantia Aritheridis, ls
5 Bambus, wm 55 Maroharttis Archegortia, ls
6 Blood Fluke-Egg wm 56 Moss Capsuje, ls
7 Broad Bean Radical Tip, ls 57 Mus Cuboidal Epithelium, sek.
8 Butterfly Leg, wm 58 Musnyr, ls
9 Chl

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